Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Just sitting here listening to my Country Music....That's right I listen to country music and am not ashamed!! Well I am not just sticking with country but it is my preference, and has been for a while. I sing along with almost every song on the radio, cause I have this weird thing about knowing words to every song that I listen too. Exaggerating of course, I know most songs, and if I listen to one country radio station it can be hours before one comes up that I don't. That's why I am trying to learn the guitar and be a real showoff. One day I will be a country star. I can't believe I just wrote that... I am a freak.

So, this is how it works... Today I go to the hospital for my weekly flush and blood draw, my last one before being tied to the hospital permanently on Friday when I am admitted. During this round of chemo I am allowed to leave and sleep outside of the hospital, but that means getting up early every morning to get back to the hospital. The beds are horrible, and don't fit me very good, so the getting up early may be worth it to have a comfortable sleep. Also depending if I am wreching my guts or not, that will also have some bearing on whether or not I stay or migrate back and forth.

The days are spent watching squirrels run around the yard, Calgary squirrels seem way bigger than at home, and there are a lot around, running on the roads, and in the trees. As long as they aren't rabid the world is safe, otherwise I think squirrel attacks would be very common in this city. Speaking of rodents, because I am a little sh*t, I scared my mom as we were walking in a dark underpass with garbage around, almost pitch black, I yelled "there's a rat " and started running as my mom screamed and jumped around as I laughed. It was funny, had to be there.

But I should wrap this up since it is going nowhere. I want to tell people that even if you do not have a blogger account, you can now post comments without one, as I have modified my site to host anonymous comments. So if you read this you better leave a comment... But you don't have to if you don't want to.

This is a really weird blog, o just disregard the weirdness.



At March 10, 2005 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a prangster from what I know and seeing you with your friends on the Malibu trip. I am glad that you made this comment blog site easier to access I had a terible time trying to get on to make a comment. Keep on laughing it makes me laugh with you. I am sure your Mom had a very good laugh too. Ciao, Ingrid

At March 10, 2005 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Justin just when I thought maybe being away from the crazies in DC would do you good I read your blog and am also wondering just what type of meds they are giving you. I am sure your mom loved you prank but it is good to hear your laughing. anyway just wanted to let you know that Daneka and I (Yvonne) also read your blog as much as possible and think about you often. Talk to you soon and hope all goes well.

At March 10, 2005 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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