Well, as the countdown to chemo begins, I am feeling, I guess ready for it, but at the same time, unsure. There is no way that I will back out of this. I could, but it would be a stupid move. This procedure does present risks, but the risk of not taking this risk is even more risky. The best chance of cure from Leukemia. The feeling is just to get it over with, but the hard part is not knowing what will happen in the getting it over with part. I could breeze through the transplant with no problems at all and be perfectly fine in three months, or I could take a nasty dose of Graft vs. Host Disease, and be plagued with chronic signs of it for years to come. No one said having Leukemia would be easy, and sometimes I just wish it were all a dream. I will get through this, just being moderately well and having to be subjected to substances that are guarateed to have a bearing on my "wellness", make me sick, and all that. It seems stupid that way, but to get the bad stuff out you got to fight... Fight fire with fire... Hopefully I don't get burned.
Bonsior Justin, I hear your big sigh and I can not help but feeling the anxiety and fear too. I hope that this round of chemo will be gentle on you. I am confident that all will go well you will beat this and be whole again. You have always devoted serious effort and energy to succeed with the things you put your mind to it and will with this leukemia too. Life is very difficult at times. Look back a month ago, you were very ill with that bacteria in your lungs, and now look where you are today you are prepared and strong in mind and spirit to get on with that fight. You are a Champion.
From our home I am sending you many hugs to you and your Mom. Until your next blog.
Our computer has a virus received through MSN chat line, BE CAREFUL do not open any pictures through this medium it is how the virus affect the system. It is the reason why you don't see Richard on the chat line. (Ingrid)
Hey Justin, Man we are so close but still cant see you. Man I miss you so much and am So proud of you. I dont think I have ment anybody like you. You are such a great guy, your awesome. I have so much faith in you and you are going to beat this thing. Your dah man lol. Keep fighting best wishes to you. Your buddy Jeff.
Hi Justin,
You don't know me, but i'm Derek's girlfriend, Candace, down south here in Alabama! I see that you're a country music fan, Heck yeah! I heard that! And the fact that you know all the lyrics, maybe one day we can get together and sing and you can show Derek off on your guitar moves! ;) Derek has told me so much about you and how you are such a wonderful guy. He sent me your site and I've been coming here occasionally to read how you're doing. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and hoping that all will go well through your battle to beat this! I admire you so much for keeping your head up through all of this and I'm sure that you are such an inspiration to many. Hope all goes well!
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength"
Phil. 4:13
Hi Justin
You will need to fight fire with fire but once you are all better, which I believe will happen quicker than you think because of all the support you have, you will understand just how strong you really are. Good luck on the 18th and our families hugs and best wishes are with you and your mom during this time. talk to you soon
Hey Justin!
My mom sent me your website a couple days ago when I was asking about how you were doing. I really hope your treatment goes well and best of luck on the 18th. We are thinking of you!
Brigitte (Interact, in case you forgot)
P.S. If you are curious about what is up with me in Poland you can check out my website at
Hi nephew
It is so good to "hear" your blog entries sounding so much stronger and clearer, Justin. Your thoughts are coming through clear and cohesive again in your writing and your sense of humour has risen to the surface again (this is very good!). Wish I could be there to chear you on in person and strum a few notes on the guit-box with you - I keep trying to find the opportunity, and may do so yet. Chin up, truck on m'man. I've got the whole Cariboo root'n for you on the 18th/19th. Be well!
luv, Aunty Donna
ps. be careful - that country music can "gitcha" - ask your cousin, Regan! :^)
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