Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Goes On and On....

See...What did I tell you Blogging is more fun when you get comments!! Looks like some people don't have it down quite yet, but some are even more entusiastic about it and write double.

Sitting here at the computer station of Unit 57, my chemo is dripping into my veins, it's the last day of this stage which is good. Except for the fact that one more drug is being added to the pile, I am feeling realatively well and I did puke this morning...All over the kitchen floor too, couldn't quite make it to the bathroom. Man I hae the feeling, but it does seem to help once my stomach is empty, even if I did only have water to that point. It is sort of similar to moring sickness maybe, but don't worry guys, I am not pregnant. It's bound to get worse before it gets better, so I am on the computer, typing while I can. This afternoon I am getting ATG, an immunosuppressant(from a horse or rabbit, I get the rabbit) that will ensure my body takes the new marrow, however it can cause flu like symtoms, fevers, chills, shakes, all around fun stuff.

Tomorrow I will recieve ATG again, and I guess also radiation? I guess I should ask Dr. Jeje. The cells will be delivered by early Saturday morning, so I will probably get my transplant while I sleep, remember it is only like a blood tranfusion so I won't be posting any more cool bone morrow biopsy pictures. The cells will bump around inside of my body rying to finf "home" which is or will be my mostly empty bone cavities (right now filled with dead, or half dead marrow that is being pulverized by the chemo as I speak.) The cells will eventually migrate down and begin to produce blood, and the antibodoes I need to fight infection that I soon will run out of.

So this is the deal, nothing is going to happen but I still need everyone to root for me. This will be a long process still, but no way I am giving up.



At March 17, 2005 11:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Justin, we will be thinking of you on Friday but we also know that everything is going to work out just fine. Hope the nausea stays away for a while and you are able to get some rest. Lots of hugs and well wishes
Yvonne and family

At March 17, 2005 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Justin, I just wrote a post but internet explorer quit 'unexpectedly' before I could send I'll try and recreate what I had written....
I don't really know you except as the student who was co-valedictorian last year here at South Peace....but when I get time to read your blogs the speech from last year has nothing on the inspiration you create every time I read of your brave exploits and the crappy treatment you must are a true hero...facing such a scary situation in your life with bravery, humor, and such a positive attitude....I will keep sending positive thoughts and prayers for a pain-free, vomit-free, thorough and hasty recovery. Thinkin of ya....

Ms. Kotylak
(with my brilliance I do not 'get' how to sign in normally to blog therefore I am sending under anonymous...)

At March 18, 2005 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Justin All of your family is so proud of you. You have gone though so much hang in their we are all praying for you. Soon you will be home where you can be with those who love you.It is so nice to read your blog keep up your awsome sence of humor. From one of your cousins Joy

At March 18, 2005 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Justin, Just want to let you know that here at home the Dawsonites are cheering you on.

I have so people stopping me and asking me how your are doing;
consequently, I have given out your blog site to them. I hope that they are not shy to leave you a comment. (by the way, it's so much easier the way you have set the comment feature up) For those that are shy or for some other reason that can not leave a comment, I could honestly tell you that they are praying for you, and are cheering you on to succeed with your battle of cancer.

Keep up your spirit and you will conquer it, even the smaller fights will eventually bring down the big one. Lots of hugs (you know who:)!

At March 18, 2005 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Justin!! Just thought I would write and let you know that you are in my prayers. I know you will make it through this better than alright because you're Justin...anyways, hope the recovery is quick and as painless as possible. Sarah

At March 19, 2005 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Justin!
I am thinking about you greatly tonight, I am at work, so that gives me more time to think, because everyone just sleeps. My heart and prayers are with you now and for always for your bravery and faith, and strength, It will bring you thru it all. Love you so much honey!!!A.Karen


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