Thursday, April 28, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me

At about this time nineteen years ago, my Mom was in the middle labour with her first baby, me. Ten something pounds, yes it was I who mutilated her stomach, those stretch marks, and scars from the cesarean. Thanks mom for everything you have went through for me! I guess I am still her baby, she still does a lot for me.

Man, nineteen years, how does time fly so fast?! One last year as a teenager, and then twenty. It seems so old. Even though this year has seen my life being tipped upside down, or go in reverse for a while, things are still moving. One year is not a lot if you really look at it, I am sure I have spent over five years of my life eating if you add it all up.

Gas... I am not a good person to be around for the nose. My stomach has been acting up, well basically since I got out of the hospital. Could be the drugs, and the combination of me being somewhat of a pig when I eat, and/or my digestion getting back on track after the intense chemo. But do I stink. At least its not painful gas, just that kind that rumbles in your stomach until it finds it way out. But bloating is not so fun regardless if I doesn't "hurt". Something that does hurt.... Bladder pain, the kind when urinating. I did a urine sample today at the hospital, its a little concerning to me, because it hurts. The doctor will let me know if it is infection, hopefully not, but who knows, I am in good hands. Ditropan will hopefully help with the flow,and pain. But isn't that a great Birthday present? I always wanted that!

Anyway, big celebration tomorrow! Not extremely excited, but its my Birthday, so I can demand and do what ever I want...As long as it does not involve public places, dirt, dust, sawdust, mould, increased sun exposure, swimming...blah blah blah. It will be a regular day, but my Birthday as well, but they have never been a big deal to me anyways. Everyday is just another day, another crossing of the sun across that big blue sky...


I did get a good present yesterday, a short little note from my donor, anonymous of course, but it was something I wasn't really expecting, but great to know the person is out there. Somewhere, if only I could crack the code....hmmm


At April 28, 2005 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Justin!!! I'm gald to hear that you are on your way to being 100% I know it won't take long.....I hope that you have an awesome 19th birthday. You deserve it!!!Anyways, I gotta go. Hope to talk to you soon. Sarah

At May 30, 2005 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Justin...
Now that you're nineteen we can do what we did in Quebec!!! I owe ya one man! We'll have to go out when I come to visit! Love ya! Jess


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