Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Hey, so November is almost over already, it's hard to believe, and I'll say it again, time flies, especially when you aren't in the hospital, although I still have my weekly visits, and pokes in the arm each time where they drain me of a couple vials, but I'm producing my own, and as long as that keeps going I'll be alright. I get to skip out this week from the doc visit because she gave me preauthorization to lower my meds for next week too. The focus.....Prednisone. Right now dosage is running at 12.5mg per day. By Thursday projected dosage: 10mg. Blood work has been good, everything in close if not in normal range and has been fairly stable the past three weeks.

School is almost finished. My first semester of college, a slack-ass one, I'd say, so I still had time to procrastinate. Still not out of my highschool days habits, but my marks have been fairly good....We'll see when finals come around. At least I have lots of time to study(I'll be cramming night before for sure.) I am deciding on classes for next semester, not really sure for the direction, but this year won't really be part of any certain pathway, mainly it is just a step in the right direction... I hope.

The past two weeks I finally got up on skates, the first time in almost two years. That's a long time but I guess it's like a bike, you never really forget. They were a little dull though, and I don't think that enhanced my performance, which wasn't the best anyway. It was fun to get out and play hockey, I was sweating pretty good. So hopefully hockey keeps going, my C-vivors team hasn't got a lot of games lined up, but hopefully they will be a little more steady in the new year, and if I can wake up on Friday mornings, I can go play at 6:45... I did once so far.

As Christmas approaches, I am starting to feel more excited. It will be the best present to finally be home, even if it is only for a short while.


Friday, November 04, 2005

A Day of Significance

Can you believe it?! I have Leukemia. I just don't know what to say, but how is this possible. How can... Me... Am I going to die..... What.... Leukemia??!!

Those are just some of the thoughts that were racing through my head exactly a year ago. I still sometimes drift off into a dream world and have to really explain to myself that I did in fact have Leukemia. It was definitely a nightmare, but it was real. All too real and still is a fact of my life. I have struggled through this past year, but it has not been in vain. I have my life to be happy for and hopefully many years to come. The whole thing is not over of course, but the highest mountain has been defeated. Just a few more hills(or smaller sized ones) to over come.

My memory through everything has remained very clear. I remember distinct details from the very moment the first doctor came to explain. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't cry, I couldn't let him phone home. My life as I knew it had ended. What the future would hold was extremely uncertain.

Of course everyone knew I would make it, but going through it is another story. I never gave up hope, even on my lowest lows. Here's to surviving a year after diagnosis, and here's to many more!!!
